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Day 18 The Reward for What You Intended

Day 18 Bite Size Ramadan 1444 AH -2023
Sincerity – This indicates that actions are by intentions and when a person intends good then goodness occurs.

Day 16 – Intending to Do a Deed

Day 16 Bite Size Ramadan 1444 AH -2023
Sincerity – Precedence between righteous deeds according to Allaah is in relation to the precedence between Eemaan, sincerity, love and what is connected to these matters in the heart.

Day 7 Feeding Your Family

Day 7 Bite Size Ramadan 1444 AH -2023
Sincerity – ‘Spending on your family is better than spending in the path of Allaah

Day 4 – Sincerity of Action for Allaah’s Sake

Day 4 Bite Size Ramadan 1444 -2023
Sincerity – ‘May Allaah give happiness (bless him with Paradise) to the person who hears a hadeeth from me and memorizes it until he conveys it to someone else.