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Purification of the Soul


Be Shy of Allaah Truthfully

Shyness is a noble character and the Prophet explains to us the correct meaning of justly being shy from Allaah is by preserving the commands of Allaah and reflecting upon the Hereafter


Hastening Burials

Hastening Burials Translated by : Abbas Abu Yahya     From Abu Hurairah RadhiAllaahu anhu from the Prophet ﷺ who said: أَسْرِعُوا بِالْجِنَازَةِ، فَإِنْ تَكُ… Read More »Hastening Burials


Strength in Eemaan

Strength in Eemaan TranslatedByAbbas Abu Yahya From Ubayd Allaah bin Shameett  (d. 181 A.H.) -Rahimahullah- who said I heard my father say: إن الله –… Read More »Strength in Eemaan