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Purification of the Soul


Spending & Increase of Wealth

Day 17 – Bitesize Ramadan 1445 / 2024
The tangible increase in the Dunyaa (worldly life)


Praying Lazily

Praying Lazily TranslatedByAbbas Abu Yahya The great Companion Ibn Abbas RadhiAllaahu anhu said: ‘It is disliked that a person stands for his prayer lazily. Rather,… Read More »Praying Lazily


Just Eating Enough

This is Day 9 – Bitesize Ramadan 1445 / 2024
The physical blessings of following Islaam.

How to Deflect Off a Punishment

This is Day 3 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
‘When a believer does an evil action then its punishment can be deflected from him by ten ways: