Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu
Abbas Abu Yahya
Download PDF for all four parts here:
Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu
Part 4 – What is the ruling on wiping over shoes which do not cover the ankles?
By Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albaani
Regarding wiping over shoes, is it a condition that the shoes must cover the ankle?
If they cover the ankles, then they are not regarded as shoes.
So we cannot wipe over them?
You can wipe over them however, I am correcting your wording. (the Shaykh means if they cover your ankle then they are called boots.)
[Silsilah al-Huda wa noor no. 345 @ 57:21 mins]
Part 4
السائل : المسح على النعلين ، هل يشترط في ذلك أن النعلين يغطيا الكعبين ؟
الشيخ : هما إذا غطيا الكعبين خرج عن كونهما نعلين .
السائل : إذًا لا يمسح عليهما ؟
الشيخ : يمسح عليهما لكن أنا أصحح اللغة .
السائل : أي نعم جزاك الله خيرا .
• سلسلة الهدى والنور – شريط : 345
• توقيت الفهرسة : 00:57:21
*A Collection of Articles & Evidences about wiping over Khuff, socks & shoes*
Presented by
*No. 1*
Part 1 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu
*No. 2*
Part 2 – The Issue of wiping over Khuff and wiping over shoes
*No. 3*
Part 3 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu
How to wipe over shoes & what are its conditions?
*No. 4*
Part 4 – What is the ruling on wiping over shoes which do not cover the ankles?
*No. 5*
The Concluding Advice Regarding the Rulings of Wiping over Khuff, Shoes & Socks
By Shaykh Muhammad Nasir uddeen al-Albaani
The Concluding Advice Regarding the Rulings of Wiping over Khuff, Shoes & Socks
*No. 6*
What was mentioned regarding the Khuff of the
Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam–
Part Nine – What was mentioned regarding the Khuff of the Messenger of Allaah
*No. 7*
Wiping over the Khuffs for making Wudu
*No. 8*
Wrong understandings Regarding some of the Rulings of Wudu