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Wrong understandings Regarding some of the Rulings of Wudu

Wrong understandings Regarding some of the Rulings of Wudu

Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya

1 – Some people presume that it is not allowed to perform Wudu whilst being uncovered!

The noble scholar AbdulAziz Ibn Baz said:

‘Covering ones private parts is not a condition in the correctness of Wudu[1].’

[Fatawa Ibn Baz 10/101]

2  – Some people presume that if one precedes washing a limb from the left hand side before one from the right hand side then their Wudu is not correct.

Imam Nawawi said:

‘The scholars are in consensus that preceding the right over that of the left from washing the hands and feet in Wudu is a Sunnah, if it is opposed in washing [left before the right] then a virtue is missed out on but the Wudu is correct.’

[Sharh Saheeh Muslim 3/160]

3 – Many people raise their finger whilst reciting the testification of Islaam after Wudu.

‘Allaama Ibn Uthaymeen said:

‘I do not know of a foundation for this action.’

[Fatawa noor ala Darb 8/117]

4 – Some people think that if you touched some impurity that you have to repeat your Wudu from the beginning!

‘Allaama Ibn Uthaymeen said:

‘Stepping upon impurities while it is moist does not invalidate the Wudu, however, it is upon the person to purify that which it is obligatory to purify; meaning you only have to purify the place that was affected by the impurity.’

[Fatawa Ibn Uthaymeen 52/119]

6 – Many people find it difficult in themselves to wipe over socks which have holes in them.

‘Allaama Ibn Uthaymeen said:

‘It is permissible to wipe over socks which have holes in them and it is permissible to wipe over thin Khuff (leather socks), because many of the Companions were poor, and generally the poor have Khuff which have holes in them.

[Fatawa Ibn Uthaymeen 11/116]

6 – Some people wipe over socks which have pictures on them of those things which posses a soul.

‘Allaama Ibn Uthaymeen said:

‘It is not permissible to wipe over a sock which had a picture of an animal on it because wiping over the Khuff is an allowance and it is not allowed with sinning.’

[Fatawa Ibn Uthaymeen 11/116]

All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace

and blessings be upon our final

Prophet Muhammad, his

family, his companions

and all those who

follow his way.

[1] T.N. e.g. making Wudu while having a shower.