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Bite size Ramadan 1445 AH

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The Inheritance of Tawheed

This is Day 8 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
Important Benefits about the Foundation of Tawheed


A Prophet With Only One Follower

This is Day 7 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
In this hadeeth there is a clear evidence that having lots of followers or a few is not a scale to know, whether a caller to Islaam, is upon truth or falsehood.


Matters from Eemaan

This is Day 6 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
The famous Hadeeth of Jibraeel -alayhi as-Salam- with a different wording.


The Most Generous of the People

Day 5 The Most Generous of the People
The Prophet -Sallaahu alayhi wa sallam was the most generous of the people.

How to Deflect Off a Punishment

This is Day 3 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
‘When a believer does an evil action then its punishment can be deflected from him by ten ways:


The Ruling on not Fasting in Ramadan due to Work

This is Day 2 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
‘What is your view, O noble Shaykh, of the person who has an arduous job and it is difficult for him to fast, can he break his fast?

The Reality of Tawheed

This is Day 1 of the Bitesize Ramadan in the year 1445 AH – 2024
‘Indeed the reality of Tawheed is that we worship Allaah Alone…..