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Praying in a Masjid of the people of Bida

Praying in a Masjid of the people of Bida

QnA with Shaykh Fawad bin Saood al-Amri
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh Fawad bin Saood al-Amri -HafidhuAllaah- said:
‘The scholars have stated that prayer behind the people of Bida is allowed from the Sharia as long as it is not a Bida which takes them out of the fold of Islam.’

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Praying in a Masjid of the people of Bida

Shaykh Fawad bin Saood al-Amri -HafidhuAllaah- was asked:

‘What is your advice to the one who does not pray the Qayyam (night prayer) in the Masjid with the excuse that the Imam is not Salafi; so since the Imam is not Salafi, this person does not pray in the Masjid but prays at home, so what is the principle here?

The Shaykh said:

‘May Allaah protect you all – the night prayer is a Sunnah and it is from the Sunnah to gather to pray it, as did the Prophet -alayhi as Sallat wa sallam- and he repeated it, then he feared that it would become obligatory after that so he left it.

Then Umar -RadhiAllahu anhu- gathered the people for it and this action of the people of Islaam still continues till our time today.

The scholars have stated that prayer behind the people of Bida is allowed from the Sharia as long as it is not a Bida which takes them out of the fold of Islam.

So prayer with these people in this Masjid is allowed from the Sharia as long as their Bida does not exit them from the Deen of Islam.

The Salafi student of knowledge is like a heavy rain pour where ever he is, so if he prays with these people then he advises them, talks to them and in this way conveys the Deen of Allaah Azza wa Jal to them.

If the people see him in his prayer, his manners then they will be affected by him. So my advice to him is to pray with the people as long as the matter is as I mentioned previously [ as long as their Bida does not exit them from the Deen of Islam.]

Perhaps this person left off this prayer in the Masjid because he wanted to pray later in the night at the time of the Divine Descent of Allaah and he wanted to gather his family to pray, then in this case there is no problem with this.

It has been mentioned by Umar -RadhiAllahu anhu- that when he said ‘this is a blessed Bida’, he said ‘those who sleep instead of it are better.’ What did He indicate to? He indicated that prayer in the last part of the night after a person has slept and had his portion of rest is better. So if a person did this, then there is nothing wrong with it. And Allaah knows best.

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Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya for