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Salafeeyah & Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah

Salafeeyah & Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah

السلفية و شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية

Compiled & Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

1 – Salafeeyah is not exceeding the Qur’aan & the Sunnah

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

واعلم أنه ليس في العقل الصريح ولا في شيء من النقل الصحيح ما يوجب مخالفة الطريق السلفية أصلا

‘Know that there is not in the clear intellect nor anything from authentic transmission (of narrations) which obligates opposing the path of Salafeeyah.’

[Majmoo al-Fatawa 5/28 – ‘Chapter: Describing Allaah does not exceed the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.]

2 – The Perfect Way

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

والعدل المحض في كل شيء متعذر علما وعملا ولكن الأمثل فالأمثل ; ولهذا يقال : هذا أمثل ويقال للطريقة السلفية : الطريقة المثلى

‘Absolute justice in everything is nearly impossible to achieve in respect to knowledge and deeds, however we try to achieve for the next best and then next best; and this is why it is said: that such-and-such is the best, and it is said for the Salafi way: it is the perfect and best way.’

[Majmoo al-Fatawa 10/99 – Chapter illnesses of the heart and its cures]

3 – Salafeeyah vs Misguidance

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

كل من أعرض عن الطريقة السلفية الشرعية الإلهية، فإنه لا بد أن يضل ويتناقض، ويبقى في الجهل المركب أو البسيط.

‘Everyone who turns away from the divine, legislated Salafi path will most certainly be misguided and in opposition to it.

He will remain simply ignorant or an ignorant individual claiming he has knowledge.’

[Ad-Dura 5/356]

4 – The Opinion of the Salaf

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

وإن كان عامة هؤلاء المختلفين في الكتاب لم يعرفوا القول السديد قول السلف، بل ولا سمعوه، ولا وجدوه في كتاب من الكتب التي يتداولونها؛ لأنهم لا يتداولون الآثار السلفية ولا معاني الكتاب والسنة إلا بتحريف بعض المحرفين لها

‘Even if generally from these people there are those who differ regarding the Book, they do not know the correct opinion, the opinion of the Salaf, rather they have not heard it or found it in a book from the books which they circulate amongst themselves. This is because they do not circulate the al-Aathaar as-Salafeeyah or the meanings of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah except misinterpretation by some of those who misinterpret the Sunnah.’

[Majmoo al-Fatawa 12/309 – Chapter the saying of Allaah Ta’ala: < And if anyone of the Mushrikoon seeks your protection then grant him protection. >]

5- The Mistakes of the Ashareeyah

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

‘The Ashareeyah and their likes are  divided between the Salaf and the Jahmeeyah. They took speech from the Salaf which was correct and from the Jahmeeyah rationalistic principles which they presumed were correct but were false and wrong. So there were people who inclined towards al-Ashareeyah from the side of Salafeeyah and there were people who inclined towards Ashareeyah from the side of innovated Jahmeeyah. [Majmoo al-Fatawa 16/471 – Soorah Alaq]

6- Salafi consensus

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

وكل لفظ ذكرته فأنا أذكر به آية أو حديثا أو إجماعا سلفياً

‘Every word which I mentioned then I mention it with an Ayaah or a Hadeeth or a Salafi consensus.’ [Majmoo al-Fatawa 3/189]

7- Madhab of the Salaf

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said:

لا عيب على من أظهر مذهب السلف وانتسب إليه واعتزى إليه بل يجب قبول ذلك منه بالإتفاق فإن مذهب السلف لا يكون إلا حقا

‘There is no blame on the one who manifests the Madhab of the Salaf, affiliates to it and ascribes to it, rather it is obligatory to accept that from him and that is accepted by agreement, because the Madhab of the Salaf is nothing except the truth.’

[Majmoo al-Fatawa 4/149]

8- Fatawa of the Companions

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

في جواز الفتوى بالآثار السلفية والفتاوي الصحابية وإنها أولى بالأخذ بها من آراء المتأخرين وفتاويهم وأن قربها إلى الصواب بحسب قرب أهلها من عصر الرسول صلوات الله وسلامه عليه وعلى آله

‘As for the permissibility of fatawa with the Athaar as-Salafeeyah and fatawa of the Companions then it is foremost to take that than the opinions of those who came later and their fatawa. The closeness of being correct is in relation to the closeness to the time of the Messenger – may many praises and security be upon him and his family.’

[I’laam al-Muwaqq’een 4/118]