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Day 13 – Resurrected According to Intentions

No. 13 – Bite Size Ramadan 1444 AH -2023

Day 13 – Resurrected According to Intentions

يُبْعَثُونَ على نِيّاتِهم

Translated & Compiled


Abbas Abu Yahya

From Aeysha who said: the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said

“يَغْزُو جيشٌ الكعبة، فإذَا كانوا ببيداءَ من الأرضِ، يُخسَفُ بأولِهِم وآخرهم”.

‘An army will attack the Ka’aba, when they reach a large area of open land, the land will swallow the first of them to the last of them.’

Aeysha said, I asked: ‘O Messenger of Allaah how will the first of them until the last of them be swallowed up and they have among them those who came to do business and have nothing to do with them, and those who are not from them?’

The Messenger said:

“يُخسفُ بأولِهم وآخرِهم، ثم يُبْعَثُونَ على نِيّاتِهم”.

‘The first to the last of them will be swallowed up, then they will be resurrected according to their intentions.’

[Collected by Bukhari, Muslim]

In a wording of Ibn Majah:

“إنما يُبعث الناسُ على نِيَّاتِهم”.

‘Indeed people will be resurrected upon their intentions.’

[Collected by Ibn Majah & Al-Albaani graded it Saheeh Lighayrihi in Saheeh Targheeb wa Tarheeb no. 13]


An Explanation

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albaani was asked:

‘What is the ruling on killing someone deceptively (similar to assassinations)? Is it correct to use the Hadeeth: ‘They will be resurrected according to their intentions’?

From the Hadeeth of Aeysha, where the Hadeeth mentions

‘An army will attack the Ka’aba, when they reach a large area of open land, the land would swallow the first of them to the last of them.’

Aeysha said, I asked: ‘O Messenger of Allaah how will the first of them until the last of them be swallowed up and they have among them those who came to do business and have nothing to do with them, and those who are not from them?’

The Messenger said:

‘The first to the last of them will be swallowed up then they will be resurrected according to their intentions.’


The Shaykh answered:

‘How do they understand this Hadeeth? What is the connection of the Hadeeth with the original question and the use of this Hadeeth as an evidence? What was the original question for which the person used this hadeeth as an evidence? The question was about killing someone deceptively (similar to assassinations)? was it not? In which a person goes and kills innocent people who are not allowed to be killed.

We say -with total regret that this use of evidence alone should be a sufficient deterrent in that these (misguided) people should not isolate themselves from the scholars of the Muslims by explaining the texts of the Messenger -alayhi as-Sallam- and understanding them incorrectly.

This Hadeeth shows -with all its narrations- which were mentioned in Saheeh Muslim and in other books, that an army will come to destroy the Ka’aba, as is mentioned in this reasonable Hadeeth, which means understanding what was the aim of an individual who went with this army, and among them, there is probably another person just travelling along, he does not know the aim of the army, the army claims that they are going to fight in the cause of Allaah, but this traveller does not know that they are going to destroy the House of Allaah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala.

So Allaah Azza wa Jal will cause  this army and the people to be swallowed up by the earth and will destroy them all. This was problematic for Aeysha and she said how can this occur when among them there is so and so. The Prophet -alayhi as-Salam- answered, that they will be resurrected according to their intentions.

The wording ‘resurrected according to their intentions’ has no connection with killing someone deceptively (similar to assassinations) and fighting against the one whom it is not allowed to fight against (like the Muslim ruler etc), but this wording ‘resurrected according to their intentions’ talks about the person who joins an army and does not know the aim of this army which was actually going to carry out a major sin, therefore, this person who went along will be resurrected upon his intention.

Therefore, the Hadeeth is in a valley, and the person using it as an evidence is completely in another valley.

What is the connection between ‘they will be resurrected upon their intentions’ and carrying out treachery of killing someone deceptively (similar to assassinations) by using this Hadeeth, this is the first point.

Secondly, is this ‘killing treacherously,’ killing someone deceptively (similar to assassinations) a way of establishing a Muslim country, which many of those who claim, of doing these deeds for Islaam and Jihad in the path of Allaah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala have been afflicted with?

Is this what the Messenger -alayhi as-Sallam- did, when he began to establish the Muslim country?

Every Muslim knows that the likes of these actions and dealings did not occur except in the time period of Madinah, meaning, after the Prophet – sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – had actually founded an aided group, he founded them, taught them from what Allaah had taught him, trained them under his own supervision, then this group began to prepare to encounter the non-Muslims. We know that the first battle which occurred between the Muslims and the non-Muslims was not initiated by the Messenger –alayhi as-Sallam- and his Companions, but was in defence of the Muslim lands which were attacked by the non-Muslims as is well-known in the biography of the Prophet and the well-known story of the battle of Badr.

This is why Jihad requires many matters which precede it, an enormous  amount of matters which precede it.  It appears that these people who ask these types of questions about Jihad, do not distinguish between the different types of Jihad. They do not distinguish between the defensive Jihad, which means that when the Muslims are attacked in their very own lands, then it is upon all the Muslims, even the women and every individual with whatever capability they have of Jihad in defence of the attacks and assaults of the enemy attacking the Muslims in their very own lands.

Therefore, these people mix up between the months of Shaban and Ramadan, and mix up between an obligation on every single individual and a general obligation.

So, the Jihad which I mentioned previously in my speech, was the defence of the Muslim lands which had been attacked and this is a specific obligation upon every Muslim. As for the other type of obligation, then that is a general obligation, which is obligatory upon a group of Muslims rather than every single Muslim individual.

If you understand these details then all of the evidence which they present is invalidated, the evidence which they present to refute those who reject the type of Jihad which is to convey the Dawa of Islaam from the Muslim land to the non-Muslim land, which is intended to be fought against from the neighbouring non-Muslims. So it is necessary to have a preparation, it is necessary to be organised, it is necessary to use all means which are available apparent to the people and this is necessary.

Allaah does not burden a soul more than it can bear, and that is from the means of victory and overwhelming the non-Muslims.’

[Silsilah al-Huda wal Noor no.790]

سلسلة الهدى والنور-790

ما حكم القتل غدراً .؟ وهل يصح الاستدلال على ذلك بحديث ( يبعثون على نياتهم )؟ 

السائل : حديث عائشة يقول حديث عائشة ( إن ناسا من أمتي يأمّون بالبيت برجل من قريش قد لجأ بالبيت حتى إذا كانوا بالبيداء خسف بهم فقلن يا رسول الله إن الطريق قد يجمع الناس قال نعم فيهم المستبصر والمجبور وابن السبيل يهلكون مهلكا واحدا ويصدرون مصادر شتى يبعثهم الله على نياتهم )
الشيخ : طيب كيف يفهمون هذا الحديث ؟ وما علاقة الحديث بأصل السؤال الذي استدلوا له بهذا الحديث ؟ أصل السؤال المستدل له بهذا الحديث ماهو ؟ وهو القتل غدرا أليس كذلك وأنه يذهب في هذا القتل ناس أبرياء لا يستحقون هذا القتل نحن نقول مع كل أسف أن هذا الاستدلال وحده يكفي ليكون رادعا لهؤلاء أن ينفردوا عن العلماء المسلمين بتفسير نصوص الرسول عليه السلام وتأويلها تأويلا باطلا .

هذا الحديث يدل مجموع الروايات التي جاءت في صحيح مسلم وفي غيره أن جيشا يوجه إلى هدم الكعبة وفيهم كما جاء في هذا الحديث المستبصر شو معنى المستبصر ؟ يعني فهمان الغاية من ذهابه مع هذا الجيش وفيهم عابر السبيل مش عارف شو الغاية لكن كما يقال في بعض البلاد هات إيدك وأمشي وين رايحين ؟ رايحين يجاهدوا في سبيل الله لكن مو فهمانين أنهم رايحين لهدم بيت الله تبارك وتعالى فهؤلاء يخسف الله عز وجل بهم الأرض ويهلكهم جميعا فالسيدة عائشة استشكلت الأمر وقالت كيف هذا وفيهم كذا وكذا فأجاب عليه السلام بأنهم يبعثون على نياتهم كلمة يبعثون على نياتهم ليس لها علاقة بالغدر والقتل لمن لا يستحق وإنما لها علاقة بالذي ينضم إلى جيش لا يعرف الغاية أن هذا الجيش قد يمم شطر ارتكاب محرم كبير فهو يبعث على نيته فالحديث في واد والمستدل عليه في واد آخر إنما يبعثون على نياتهم فما علاقة إذا القيام بالغدر بمثل هذا الحديث هذا أولا

وثانيا هل هو سبيل إقامة الدولة المسلمة بمثل هذه الوسائل التي ابتلي بها كثير ممن يدعون العمل للإسلام والجهاد في سبيل الله تبارك وتعالى هل هكذا فعل الرسول عليه السلام حينما بدأ بإقامة الدولة المسلمة كل مسلم يعرف أن مثل هذه التصرفات لم تقع إلا في العهد المدني أي بعد أن أوجد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فعلا الطائفة المنصورة أوجدهم وعلمهم مما علمه الله و رباهم على عينه وبدأ يجهز هؤلاء لملاقاة الكفار ونحن نعلم أن أول معركة قامت بين المسلمين وبين الكافرين لم تقم ابتداء من الرسول عليه السلام وأصحابه وإنما دفاعا عن بلد المسلمين الذي غزي من الكافرين كما هو معروف في السيرة وفي قصة غزوة بدر المعروفة فلذلك فالجهاد يحتاج إلى مقدمات ومقدمات كثيرة وكثيرة جدا وهذا يربطنا ببعض الأسئلة التي سبق أن تلوتها علينا فنظم الجواب عن ذاك السؤال المتعلق بالجهاد فيبدو أن هؤلاء الناس لا يفرقون بين جهاد وجهاد لا يفرقون بين جهاد الدفاع الذي معناه أن المسلمين هجموا في عقر دارهم فعلى المسلمين كلهم حتى النساء أن يقوموا كل فرد منهم بما يستطيع من جهاد في دفع صائلة هؤلاء الأعداء المهاجمين للمسلمين في عقر دارهم هنا لا يرد موضوع الإمارة والأمير والاستعداد الواجب أن يقوم به المسلمون ، بينما الجهاد الذي نحن نقول لابد له من إمارة ولابد له من قيادة ولابد له من إستعداد بالمعنيين المعنوي والمادي إلى آخره الجهاد المقصود به نقل الدعوة الإسلامية من بلد إسلامي إلى بلد غير إسلامي ولذلك فهم في الواقع يخلطون شعبان برمضان يخلطون الفرض العيني بالفرض الكفائي ، فالجهاد الأول الذي ذكرته آنفا في كلامي وهو الدفاع عن البلد المسلم المهاجم هذا فرض عين على كل مسلم أما الفرض الآخر الفرض الكفائي فهو إنما يجب على طائفة من المسلمين دون كل فرد من أفراد المسلمين وإذا عرفت هذا التفصيل سقطت أدلتهم كلها التي يسردونها للرد على من ينكر الجهاد من النوع الذي يراد به نقل الدعوة من بلد مسلم إلى بلد كافر الذي يراد به مقاتلة من يلينا من الكفار هذا لابد له من استعداد ولابد له من تنظيم ولابد له من كل وسيلة من الوسائل التي فيما يبدو للناس ولابد ولا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها أنها من أسباب النصر والغلبة على الكفار فالآن بعد هذا البيان الذي أعتبره جوابا عن ما جاء في سؤال يتعلق بالجهاد