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Part 3 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu

Part 3

Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu



Abbas Abu Yahya


How to wipe over shoes & what are its conditions?


Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen al-Albaani


It is affirmed from the Prophet -SallAllaahu alayhi wa Salam- that he made it permissible to wipe over shoes, how do we wipe over shoes and what are its conditions?


The conditions are the same as those linked to wiping over the Khuff, which are not to wipe over them for more than a day and a night for a person who is a resident, and a traveller does not wipe over for more than three days and nights. Also, when you begin wiping, then here begins the period for wiping over, then after twenty-four hours have passed the wiping over time period expires.

As for the way of wiping over then there is no particular or specific way. Therefore, the linguistic meaning is applied, because whether a person wipes over the Khuff or wipes over shoes with one finger or two, three, four or, five fingers, then this is not important. What is important that wiping over shoes or Khuff, or upon socks takes place.’

[Silsilah al-Huda wa Noor no. 679 @ 34:25 mins]

  كيفية المسح وما هي الشروط

السائل : ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه يجوز المسح على النعلين كيفية المسح وما هي الشروط ؟

الشيخ : الشروط هو كما يتعلق بالمسح على الخفين أن لا يمسح أكثر من يوم وليلة للمقيم ولا يمسح أكثر من ثلاثة أيام بلياليها للمسافر ، وأنه مجرد ما يبدأ بالمسح فهنا تبدأ المدة ، فإلى مثلها بعد مضي أربع وعشرين ساعة تكون انتهت المدة ، والمسح صورته ليس له كيفية معينة ، أي معنى لغوي تحقق لأنه مسح على الخفين أو مسح على النعلين بأصبع بأصبعين بثلاثة بأربعة بخمسة مش مهم ، المهم أن يقع المسح على النعلين أو على الخفين أو على الجوربين ، بس هيك

  • سلسلة الهدى والنور – شريط : 679
    •  توقيت الفهرسة : 00:34:25

*A Collection of Articles & Evidences about wiping over Khuff, socks & shoes*

Presented by

*No. 1*
Part 1 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu

Part 1 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu

*No. 2*
Part 2 – The Issue of wiping over Khuff and wiping over shoes

Part 2 – Wiping over Shoes When Making Wudu

*No. 3*
Part 3 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu

How to wipe over shoes & what are its conditions?

Part 3 – Wiping Over Shoes When Making Wudu

*No. 4*
Part 4 – What is the ruling on wiping over shoes which do not cover the ankles?

Part 4 – Wiping over shoes while performing Wudu

*No. 5*
The Concluding Advice Regarding the Rulings of Wiping over Khuff, Shoes & Socks

By Shaykh Muhammad Nasir uddeen al-Albaani

The Concluding Advice Regarding the Rulings of Wiping over Khuff, Shoes & Socks

*No. 6*
What was mentioned regarding the Khuff of the

Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam–

Part Nine – What was mentioned regarding the Khuff of the Messenger of Allaah

*No. 7*
Wiping over the Khuffs for making Wudu

Wiping over the Khuffs for making Wudu

*No. 8*
Wrong understandings Regarding some of the Rulings of Wudu

Wrong understandings Regarding some of the Rulings of Wudu