Manhaj is more general than Aqeedah
By Shaykh Salih al Fawzan
Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya
Shaykh Salih al Fawzan was asked, is there a difference between Aqeedah and Manhaj?
The Answer:
Manhaj is more general than Aqeedah. Manhaj occurs in Aqeedah and in methodology and in manners and dealings and in all aspects of the life of a Muslim, every step which a Muslim follows is called Manhaj.
As for Aqeedah then it means the foundation of Eemaan and the meaning of the two testifications, and what they necessitate is what is Aqeedah.’
[Al-Ajwiba al-Mufeedah un asilata al-Manahij al-Jadeedah p. 75]