No. 18 Bite size Ramadan 1440-2019
The Difficulties of Trials & Tribulations
جَهْدِ الْبَلاَءِ
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
English Audio:
PDF Download: No. 18 Bite size Ramadan 1440-2019
From Abu Hurairah RadhiAllaahu anhu that the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:
تَعَوَّذُوا بِاللَّهِ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلاَءِ ، وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ ، وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ ، وَشَمَاتَةِ الأَعْدَاءِ.
‘Seek refuge with Allaah from the difficulties of trials and tribulations, and not to face being destroyed, and an evil fate, and the enemy being pleased with what I am afflicted with.’
[Collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
Al-Imam Ibn al-Qayyim -Rahimahullaah- said:
‘If it were not that Allaah Subhanahu remedied His worshippers with the medication of trials and tribulations, then they would have transgressed, oppressed and been arrogant. When Allaah Subhanahu wants good for His worshipper then He gives him medication to drink of trials and tests according to his situation. Allaah makes him vomit out the destructive medication until He refines that person cleanses and purifies him. Allaah qualifies him for the most noble of levels of the Duniyaa, which is servitude of Allaah and the highest reward in the hereafter which is seeing and being close to Him.’
[Zad al-Ma’ad 4/195]
Shaykh AbdulAziz bin Baz -Rahimahullaah- commented:
‘A person should seek refuge with Allaah from these matters, perhaps he may be trialled with something which may harm him, a test which may harm him. Seeking refuge from, not to face being destroyed, perhaps something occurs and falls him into being destroyed, into sinning and Shirk. We ask Allaah for pardon.
A person pursues the means of success and he seeks refuge with Allaah from the difficulties of trials and tribulations, and not to face being destroyed, the enemy being pleased with what I am afflicted with and an evil fate.
This is how a believer is, he strives and asks his Lord for pardon, because the enemies are pleased when he falls into that which harms him. However, he seeks pardon for himself from the difficulties of trials and tribulations, and the evil of tests and trials which befall the people.
Likewise, seeking refuge from that which is destructive, perhaps something overcomes him and throws him into sinning or evil, or major Shirk, we ask Allaah for pardon.
An evil fate, likewise a person falling into sin and is trialled with that which Allaah has made Haraam for him.
The enemy being pleased with what he is afflicted with, – like what has preceded that a person falls into the enemy being pleased with what he is afflicted with.
Therefore, the believer, seeks pardon from these matters. He seeks refuge with Allaah from the difficulties of trials and tribulations, not to face being destroyed, an evil fate and the enemy being pleased with what he is afflicted with, meaning he keeps away from all these means. So, he does not subject himself to trials which cause him to fall into sin and evil. He does not subject himself to matters which cause the enemies to be pleased with his harm. He does not also subject himself to that which Allaah has prohibited him from, since this would be from an evil fate which he is trialled with. Indeed, Allaah the Magnificent and Most High- destines good and evil, sinfulness with fate and obedience with fate. A person asks His Lord that Allaah protects him from an evil fate which has in it sin, evil and deeds of Shirk etc, we ask Allaah for pardon.’
رقم 18 – لقمة رمضانية 1440هـ
تَعَوَّذُوا بِاللَّهِ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلاَءِ
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه, أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:
( تَعَوَّذُوا بِاللَّهِ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلاَءِ ، وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ ، وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ ، وَشَمَاتَةِ الأَعْدَاءِ ).
روى البخاري، كتاب الدعوات، باب التعوذ من جهد البلاء، برقم 6347، ومسلم، كتاب الذكر والدعاء والتوبة والاستغفار، باب في التعوذ من سوء القضاء ودرك الشقاء وغيره، برقم 2707
قال الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى :
فلولا أنه سبحانه يداوي عباده بأدوية المحن والإبتلاء ، لطغوا وبغوا وعتوا..
والله سبحانه إذا أراد بعبد خيراً سقاه دواء من الإبتلاء والإمتحان على قدر حاله ، يستفرغ به من الأدواء المهلكة حتى إذا هذّبه ونقاه وصفاه أهَّله لأشرف مراتب الدنيا ، وهي عبوديته ، وأرفع ثواب الآخرة وهو رؤيته وقربه .
زاد المعاد (٤/١٩٥) .
قال الشيخ عبدالعزيز بن باز رحمه الله:
يستعيذ بالله من هذا لعله يبتلى بشيء يضره، بلاء يضره، درك الشقاء أن يدركه شيء يوقعه في الشقاء، في المعاصي والشرك، نسأل الله العافية، الإنسان يتحرى أسباب النجاة ويستعيذ بالله من جهد البلاء، ومن درك الشقاء، ومن شماتة الأعداء، ومن سوء القضاء، هكذا المؤمن يتحرى ويسأل ربه العافية، فإن الأعداء يشمتون به إذا وقع فيما يضره، ولكنه يتحرى العافية من جهد البلاء وهو ما يسوءه من البلايا والمحن التي تنزل به الناس، ودرك الشقاء قد يدركه شيء يشقيه ويوقعه في المعاصي أو الشرور، أو في الشرك الأكبر نسأل الله العافية، وسوء القضاء كذلك كونه يقع في المعاصي ويبتلى بما حرم الله عليه، وشماتة الأعداء مثل ما تقدم كونه يقع في شيء يشمت به الأعداء، فالمؤمن يتحرى العافية من هذه الأشياء، ويستعيذ بالله من جهد البلاء، ومن درك الشقاء ومن سوء القضاء ومن شماتة الأعداء، يعني يحذر كل هذه الأسباب، فلا يتعرض للبلاء الذي يوقعه في المعاصي والشرور، ولا يتعرض للأشياء التي تشمت به الأعداء، ولا يتعرض أيضاً لشيءٍ مما حرم الله عليه، فإن هذا يكون من سوء القضاء الذي ابتلي به، فإن الله يقضي الخير والشر -جل وعلا-، فالمعاصي بقدر والطاعات بقدر، يسأل ربه أن الله يقيه شر القضاء الذي فيه المعاصي والشرور والشركيات ونحو ذلك، نسأل الله العافية