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Follow the Correct Manhaj

Follow the Correct Manhaj      Translated           By Abbas Abu Yahya As-Suyootee (d.911 A.H.) -Rahimahullaah- said:فَعَلَيْكَ يَا…

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How to Conquer a Whole City

How to Conquer a Whole City ‏                        Translated                               By               Abbas Abu Yahya Ibn al-Qayyim said:”…

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The most intellectual of the Ummah

The most intellectual of the Ummah                        Translated                               By               Abbas Abu Yahya Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn…

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Get to know the Sunnah

Get to know the Sunnah TranslatedByAbbas Abu Yahya Shaykh Al-Albaani -Rahimahullaah- said:اِعرف السُّنَّــة تَعرِف البِدعة…

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Follow That which is affirmed by the Companions

Follow That which is affirmed by                  the Companions                      Translated                             By                Abbas Abu Yahya Al-Hafidh Ibn…

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