Series Regarding the Number of Rakah for Taraweeh
No. 10 Is it authentic that anyone of the Khulafa prayed Twenty Rakah?
Part B: Shaykh Albaani continued commenting:
‘There is no Ijma (consensus) upon praying twenty Rakah and that which is authentic from Umar -RadhiAllahu anhu- with the most authentic Isnad in conformity to the Sunnah of the Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- which is narrated by Aeysha.
The narration of Umar is narrated by Malik in al-Muwatta from as-Saib bin Yazeed -radiAllaahu anhu- that he said:
‘Umar bin al Khattab ordered Ubayy bin Ka’ab and Tameem ad-Daaree that they should lead the people in prayer with eleven Rakah.
As-Saib said: Indeed the recitor would read two hundred Ayaat, so much so that we would lean on walking sticks due to the long prayer, we would not leave until the break of dawn for the Fajr prayer.’
[Tamaam al-Mina. …p.252]