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The Khawarij Terrorists not judging with what Allaah has revealed No.3

The Khawarij Terrorists not judging with what Allaah has revealed No.3

Ibn al-Jawzi said:

أن من لم يحكم بما أنزل الله جاحداً له، فهو كافر، ومن لم يحكم به ميلاً إلى الهوى من غير جحود؛فهو ظالم فاسق

‘That whoever did not judge with what Allaah has revealed obstinately rejecting it then he is a Kafir and the one who did not judge with what Allaah has revealed inclining to following desires without obstinately rejecting it then he is an evil oppressive person.’ [Zaad al-Maseer 2/366]

The Khawarij Terrorists not judging with what Allaah has revealed 3

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya for