Series Regarding the Number of Rakah for Taraweeh
No. 6 For 20 years the Messenger of Allaah did not increase upon 11 Rakah
Shaykh Albaani said :
‘For 20 years the Messenger of Allaah did not increase in Ramadan nor outside Ramadan upon 11 Rakah. If we do not take this text [hadeeth of Aeysha] as an evidence which prevents the Muslim from increasing upon this number of Rakah, then what Sunnah can we prevent the people from increasing upon, nothing at all whatsoever.
Then what is a Bida? The Bida which you understand from the statement of the Prophet -alayhi as salam: ‘Every Bida is misguidance and every misguidance is in the Hell fire.’ Then what is termed as a Bida? Is it not increasing upon what the Messenger brought of obedience and worship.
[Silsilah al-Huda wa Noor no.723]