Repelling the consequences of sinning
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ahmad bin AbdulHaleem Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- said:
‘It has been established in the ‘Saheeh’ of al-Bukhari from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- that he said:
‘Indeed one’s actions are judged by his final actions.’
Therefore, if the believer commits evil than its consequences are repelled from him with ten means:
That he repents, by which Allaah turns to him, since indeed the one who repents from a sin is like the one who has no sin at all.
Or that the person seeks forgiveness from Allaah and Allaah forgives him.
Or he does good actions to wipe out that sin, since indeed good deeds take away evil deeds.
Or that his believing brothers supplicate for him and seek forgiveness for him, whether he is alive or deceased.
Or relay to him the reward of his actions, those with which Allaah benefits him by.
Or that his Prophet Muhammad intercedes for him.
Or Allaah trials him in the Dunya with problems and difficulties expiate his sins.
Or Allaah trials him in al-Barzakh (the stage after death until the Day of Judgment) with Fitnah and being squeezed in the grave, which expiate his sins.
Or Allah trials him with events of al-Qayyama (Resurrection) due to the horror at that time, which expiate his sins.
Or The Most Merciful [Allaah] of those who show mercy has mercy upon him.
[From: ‘at-Tuhfah al-Iraqiyeeh min ‘Amal al-Quloob’ by Ibn Taymeeyah P.366-367]