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Remaining in the Place of Prayer

Remaining in the Place of Prayer



Umm Yahya

Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz (d. 1420 A.H.) – may Allaah have mercy on his soul- said:

‘Sitting after the obligatory prayers is one of the greatest times in which Allaah -Subhanahu wa Ta’ala’s – blessings descend.

Do not hasten to leave the place of prayer, seek forgiveness, say SubhanAllaah, say Alhamdulillaah, say  Laa ilaaha illallaah and say AllahuAkbar.


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Remaining in the Place of Prayer

Taken From the Fatawaa of our Shaykh, Al-‘Allaama and Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin ‘Abdullaah Bin Baaz

Translated by Umm Yahya

Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz (d. 1420 A.H.) – may Allaah have mercy on his soul- said:

‘Sitting after the obligatory prayers is one of the greatest times in which Allaah -Subhanahu wa Ta’ala’s – blessings descend.

Do not hasten to leave the place of prayer, seek forgiveness, say SubhanAllaah, say Alhamdulillaah, say  Laa ilaaha illallaah and say AllahuAkbar.

Ibn Battal [1] -RahimuhuAllaah- said:

“Whoever has many sins and wishes for those sins to be removed without any hardship, then he should make the most of the opportunity of remaining in his place after the completion of his prayer, in order for the Angels to increase in their supplication for him and increase in their asking for forgiveness for him.”

[Sharh Ibn Battal – Vol. 3 p. 114]

[1] He had a few works in Ahadeeth, from them was an explanation of Saheeh al-Bukhari and he died in 449 A.H.