Rulings for Medical Conditions During Fasting
Abbas Abu Yahya
3 – What is the ruling of using eye drops for the fasting person?
Shaykh Bin Baz said:
‘According to the most correct of the sayings of the scholars, a fasting person does not break his fast by using eye drops.
If he finds the taste of those drops in his throat, then it is better to fast another day in place of it but that is not obligatory, because these drops are not replacing food and drink.
[Majmoo al-Fatawa 15/ 260-261]
Arabic Reference
3- ما حكم استعمال قطرة العين للصائم ؟
قال ابن باز:
1- قطرة العين لا يفطر بهما الصائم في أصح قولي العلماء
2- فإن وجد طعم القطور في حلقه، فالقضاء أحوط ولا يجب؛ لأنها ليس منفذا للطعام والشراب. مجموع الفتاوى (15/ 260-261)