Provisions Due to Studying Knowledge
لعلَّكَ تُرْزَقُ بِهِ
Translated & Compiled
Abbas Abu Yahya
*The Hadeeth*
From Anas who said:
‘There were two brothers at the time of the Prophet –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-, one of whom would come to the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- [in another narration: He would attend the speeches of the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- and his gatherings.] the other brother had a skill and worked, and he complained to the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-about his brother saying:
‘O Messenger of Allaah! Indeed my brother does not help me with anything.’
The Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-said:
لعلَّكَ تُرْزَقُ بِهِ
‘Perhaps you are provided with provision due to him.’
[Taken from ‘Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah’ No. 2769. Collected by Tirmidhi, al-Hakim, Rooyaani in ‘Musnad’, Ibn Addee in ‘al-Kamil’ & Al-Albaani graded it as Saheeh]

- From ‘Tuhfatul Ahwadthi’
[ at the time of the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- ] – meaning, in the time period of the Prophet alayhi as-Salat wa Salam, and one of them would come to the Prophet seeking knowledge and understanding.
[the other brother had a skill and worked,] meaning that he would acquire means for livelihood, and it was as if they were both eating and living together.
[and the worker complained] meaning, that he complained about his brother not assisting in acquiring his livelihood.
[Perhaps you are provided with provision due to him.’] – meaning, I hope and fear that you are provided due to his blessings, because he, is being provided due to your skilled work, so do not prevent him from being favoured due to your skilled work.
At-Tibbi said: ‘the context of the wording, ‘perhaps you are’, refers back to the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam, that it means ‘indeed you are getting provision’ and ‘rebuke from the Prophet’ as is mentioned in another hadeeth, ‘are you not given provision except due to your weak people.’
The wording, ‘perhaps you are’, could also refer to addressing the person to go and reflect and ponder so that he is just to himself.’
[Tuhfatul Ahwadthi bisharh Jamia at-Tirmidhi ]
- Shaykh AbdulAzeez bin Baz (d. 1420 A.H.) said:
‘It is mentioned in the hadeeth that there were two men at the time of the Prophet ﷺ one of whom would work to seek provisions. He would practice a profession, he would labour. As for the other brother, he would attend the gatherings of the Prophet ﷺ and seek knowledge.
So one of the brothers complained about his brother and said:
‘O Messenger of Allaah, my brother comes to you and attends the circles of knowledge, whilst I work.’
So the Messenger said: ‘Perhaps you are provided due to him.’ Meaning pardon him, perhaps by you going to your work and your brother attending with us is from the means for your success from Allaah.
Additionally, the reason for you being provided is that you fulfil the needs of your brother by seeking provisions, while he seeks knowledge and learns to understand the Deen.
Therefore, you both cooperate, he aids you in your religion and you aid him in his worldly matters, and perhaps you are given provision due to him. If two brothers, or a father and his son, or a brother with his nephew cooperate, one of them seeks knowledge and the other does a trade of carpentry, or making leather goods, or building work or agriculture, so that is no problem. Perhaps one of them is given provision due to the other when they cooperate together in seeking knowledge and in seeking provision, all of this is good.
However, the worldly matters are in need of some effort, it is necessary that the two people have a share of the worldly matters to aid them in seeking knowledge. Either, one of them works, or both work together at one time, and both seek knowledge together at another time.
[‘Perhaps you are provided due to him’] means that perhaps you pardoning him, and from your toil you spend upon him and upon both your families, so you are provided for, by you pardoning your brother, and the fact that you are aiding him in seeking knowledge and learning to understand the religion.
May Allah give success to all.’
*The Hadeeth*
From Umar -Radhi Allaah anhu- who said:
“كنت أنا وجارٍ لي من الأنصار في بني أمية بن زيد، وهي من عوالي المدينة، وكنا نتناوب النزول على رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- ينزل يومًا وأنزل يومًا، فإذا نزلت جئته بخبر ذلك اليوم من الوحي وغيره، وإذا نزل فعل مثل ذلك……….
I had a neighbour from the Ansar in a place called Bani Ummayyah bin Zayed. It was in an area of al-Awali in Madinah. We would take turns in visiting the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam, he would visit one day and I would the next.
So when I would visit I would come back and inform him of what came of the revelation on that day and other matters, and when my neighbour visited he would do likewise……’
[Saheeh al-Bukhari]
Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen (d. 1421 A.H) commented:
‘Taking turns in seeking knowledge is permissible. It is permissible for a person to agree with his companion that he attends a lesson one day and his friend the next and visits him with what he learnt.
This occurs among a people who have a strong memory and they memorise what happened, however, recordings now are sufficient for taking turns to attend, and this is from the blessings of Allaah Azza wa Jal.
Also from this hadeeth is the proof for acceptance of Khabar al-Ahaad (singular narrations) in conveying religious information, this is because the right of Allaah Azza wa Jal is built upon forbearance and tolerance.
As for financial rights, then Allaah Ta’ala said:
وَٱسۡتَشۡهِدُوا۟ شَهِیدَیۡنِ مِن رِّجَالِكُمۡۖ فَإِن لَّمۡ یَكُونَا رَجُلَیۡنِ فَرَجُلࣱ وَٱمۡرَأَتَانِ مِمَّن تَرۡضَوۡنَ مِنَ ٱلشُّهَدَاۤءِ
《 And get two witnesses of your own men. And if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you agree for witnesses》
[Surah Al-Baqarah 282]
[Sharh Saheeh al-Bukhari, kitab al-Ilm 1/201]
وَعنْ أنَسٍ t قَالَ: كَان أخوانِ عَلَى عهْدِ النبيِّ ﷺ، وكَانَ أَحدُهُما يأْتِي النبيِّ ﷺ، والآخَرُ يحْتَرِفُ، فَشَكَا الْمُحْتَرِفُ أخَاهُ للنبيِّ ﷺ فَقَالَ: لَعلَّكَ تُرْزَقُ بِهِ رواه التِّرْمذيُّ بإسناد صحيحٍ عَلَى شرطِ مسلمٍ.
تحفة الأحوذي بشرح جامع الترمذي
قوله : ( كان أخوان ) أي اثنان من الإخوان
( على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ) أي في زمنه فكان أحدهما يأتي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أي لطلب العلم والمعرفة
( والآخر يحترف ) أي يكتسب أسباب المعيشة فكأنهما كانا يأكلان معا
( فشكا المحترف ) أي في عدم مساعدة أخيه إياه في حرفته وفي كسب آخر لمعيشته
( فقال : ترزق به ) بصيغة المجهول أي أرجو وأخاف أنك مرزوق ببركته لأنه مرزوق بحرفتك فلا تمنن عليه بصنعتك .
قال الطيبي : ومعنى لعل في قوله : لعلك يجوز أن يرجع إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
فيفيد القطع والتوبيخ كما ورد فهل ترزقون إلا بضعفائكم وأن يرجع المخاطب ليبعثه على التفكر والتأمل فينتصف من نفسه ، انتهى .
يحْترِفُ: يكْتَسِب ويَتَسبَّبُ.
قال الشيخ ابن باز :
وفي الحديث الآخر أن رجلين كانا في عهد النبي ﷺ أحدهما يعمل يطلب الرزق، يحترف، يشتغل، والثاني يحضر مجالس النبي ﷺ يطلب العلم، فاشتكاه أخاه قال: يا رسول الله هذا يأتي إلى عندك يحضر حلقات العلم، وأنا أعمل، فقال: لعلك ترزق به يعني سامحه، لعل ذهابك في أعمالك ومجيئه إلينا من أسباب توفيق الله لك، وأن ترزق بسبب أنك تقوم بحاجة أخيك، هو يطلب العلم ويتفقه في الدين، وأنت تطلب الرزق، فتتعاونا، هو يعينك على دينك، وأنت تعينه على دنياه، لعلك ترزق به.
فإذا كان أخوان، أو أب وابنه، أو أخ وابن أخيه يتعاونان، هذا يطلب العلم وهذا يتسبب في نجارة، أو خرازة، أو بناء، أو زراعة فلا بأس، لعل هذا يرزق بهذا إن تعاونا جميعا في طلب العلم وفي طلب الرزق، كله طيب، لكن الدنيا تحتاج إلى بعض شيء، فلا بد أن يكون لهما نصيب يعينهما على طلب العلم، إما أن يكون أحدهما يعمل، وإما أن يعملا جميعا في وقت ويطلبا العلم في وقت آخر، لعلك ترزق به يعني لعلك بسماحك عنه وتعبك أنت تنفق عليه، وعلى أهلكما جميعا، لعلك ترزق بسماحك لأخيك وكونك تعينه على طلب العلم والتفقه في الدين.
وفق الله الجميع.
عن عمر -رضي الله عنه- قال:
كُنْتُ أنَا وجَارٌ لي مِنَ الأنْصَارِ في بَنِي أُمَيَّةَ بنِ زَيْدٍ وهي مِن عَوَالِي المَدِينَةِ وكُنَّا نَتَنَاوَبُ النُّزُولَ علَى رَسولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ، يَنْزِلُ يَوْمًا وأَنْزِلُ يَوْمًا، فَإِذَا نَزَلْتُ جِئْتُهُ بخَبَرِ ذلكَ اليَومِ مِنَ الوَحْيِ وغَيْرِهِ، وإذَا نَزَلَ فَعَلَ مِثْلَ ذلكَ……
صحيح البخاري
باب التناوب في طلب العلم