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Making the Sunnah Apparent

Making the Sunnah Apparent

                  Translated by
              Abbas Abu Yahya 

It was asked to Waleed bin Muslim -Rahimahullaah- What is making knowledge apparent?’

He replied:
                        إظهار السُّنَّة
     ‘Making the Sunnah apparent.’

[Al-I’tisaam by ash-Shatabi 4/104]

قيل للوليد بن مسلم رحمه الله:

ما إظهار العلم ؟

قال: إظهار السُّنَّة .

 الاعتصام للشاطبي (١٠٤/٤).
Dhahabi said: ‘Ahmad bin Abee Khaythaamah said: I heard Ibn Ma’een say: when ‘Alee bin al-Madeeni used to come to us he would make the Sunnah apparent to us and if he went to Basrah he would make apparent the excellence of ‘Alee bin Abee Taalib.’
‘as-Seerah ‘Alaam’ 11/47