From the Apparent Distinctions of the people of Sunnah
Abbas Abu Yahya
The learned scholar Ahmad an-Najmi -Rahimahullaah- said:
‘From the Apparent Distinctions of the people of Sunnah is loving the Sunnah, loving its people and its scholars. Also, having the belief, that they are those by whom, Allaah preserves the Deen.
Allaah Subhanahu beautifies the hearts of the people of Sunnah and places light in them with love for the scholars of the Sunnah, which is an excellence from Him -how great is His Magnificence.’
[Itmam al-Minah bisharh Usool as-Sunnah p.80]
العلامة أحمد النجمي رحمه الله :
من مظاهر علامات أهل السنة :
محبة السنة ومحبة أهلها وحملتها واعتقاد أنهم هم الذين يحفظ الله بهم الدين وقد زين الله سبحانه قلوب أهل السنة ونورها بحبِّ علماء السنة فضلاً منه جلّ جلاله .
إتمام المنة بشرح أصول السنة ٨٠