Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al Uthaymeen -Rahimahullaah- said about the saying of Allaah -the Almighty the Magnificent:
(أولئك الذين هدى الله فبهداهم اقتده)
《They are those whom Allaah had guided. So follow their guidance.》
‘Their guidance’ and Allaah did not say ‘by them’ because what is important, is with the Manhaj (methodology) not with personalities.
So do not be biased to a caller to the Deen or with a person who rectifies if he strays away from the truth.’
[Sharh al-Mumtay 4/379]

عن الشيخ ابن عثيمين -رحمه الله تعالى- في الشرح الممتع (4/379) حيث قال رحمه الله
قال الله جلّ جلاله :(أولئك الذين هدى الله فبهداهم اقتده)
قال :”بهداهم” ولم يقل “بهم” لأن العبرة بالمنهج لا بالأشخاص فلا تتعصّب لداعية ولا لمُصْلحٍ إن حاد عن الحق .