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Envy is a Burning Coal

Envy is a Burning Coal
                     الحسدُ جمرة

Translated By

Abbas Abu Yahya

The Noble scholar Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen Rahimuhullaah said:

‘Envy is a burning coal in the heart and Allaah’s refuge is sought.

Everytime Allaah bestows a blessing upon His worshipper, this heart becomes aflamed -and Allaah’s refuge is sought- because Allaah the Most-High bestows a blessing upon His worshippers, so you find the envious person always miserable and with worry.’

[Sharh Riyadh as-Saliheen 6/249]

                     الحسدُ جمرة
العلامة/إبن عثيمين..رحمه الله
‏الحسدُ جمرةٌ في القلب

والعياذ بالله، كلَّما أنعم الله على عبده نعمة احترق هذا القلب والعياذ بالله حيث أنعم الله تعالى على عباده، فتجدهُ دائماً في نكد ودائماً في قلق.
[شرح رياض الصالحين (249/6)]