Should I memorise the whole Qur’aan then turn to Tafseer or memorise along with the Tafseer?
التفسير أم أحفظه مع التفسير؟ هل أحفظ القرآن كله ثم أرجع إلى
I need your advice regarding memorising the Qur’aan, do you advise me with memorising the whole Qur’aan then going back to its Tafseer or memorise it along with Tafseer and may Allaah reward you with goodness.
The Answer:
This – O my daughter – is dependent upon your capability. However, I advice you to learn the Qur’aan along with the Sunnah.
I think it was Abu Salmah bin AbdurRahman -Rahimahullaah- who said:
حدثنا الذين كانوا يُقرِؤننا القُرآن عُثمان بن عفان وعبد الله بن مسعود – وذكر آخرين – أَنهم لم يَكونوا يُجاوزوا عَشر آياتٍ من فَمِ رسولِ الله – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- حتى يَتعلموا مَعناها وَالعَملَ بِها) قال: (فكانوا يَتعلمون العِلمَ والعَمل)
‘Those who used to teach us the Qur’aan – Uthmaan bin Affan, Abdullaah bin Mas’ood and he mentioned others – narrated to us that they would not exceed ten Ayaat from the mouth of the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- until they learnt its meaning and acted upon it.’ Then he said: ‘They would learn knowledge and action.’
So learn from the Qur’aan and learn from the Hadeeth.’
[Taken from]