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Correctness of Reliance is Dependent upon the Purity of Tawheed

Correctness of Reliance is Dependent upon the Purity of Tawheed



Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751A.H.) said:

‘The Correctness of Reliance upon Allaah is dependent upon the purity of Tawheed. Therefore, when a worshipper turns to other than Allaah, then his turning away causes a portion of his heart to turn away.’

[Madarij as-Salikeen 2/120]

ابن القيم :

على قدر تجريد ‎التوحيد تكون صحَّة التَّوكُّل،
فإنَّ العبد متى التفت إلى غير الله،
أخذ ذلك الالتفات شُعبةً من شُعبِ قلبه .

مدارج السَّالكين ٢/ ١٢٠