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Day 02: Glorifying Allaah & Seeking His Forgiveness

Day 2 – Bite Size Ramadan Articles – 1437 A.H.

English Audio: Day 2 – Bite Size Ramadan 1437 – Glorifying Allaah & Seeking His Forgiveness
Urdu Audio: 2. fa_sabih_be_hamdika 1437

English PDF Download: Day 2 – Bite Size Ramadan 1437 – Glorifying Allaah & Seeking His Forgiveness
Urdu PDF Download: 2. fa sabih be hamdika 1437

فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ

By Shaykh-ul -Islaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah as-Salafi[1]-Rahimullaah-

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

Ibn al-Qayyim – Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzeeyah (d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- said about the Ayaah:

إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ

<< When comes the Help of Allaah (to you, O Muhammad against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah) >> [Nasr:1]

The saying of Allaah Ta’ala:  << When comes the Help of Allaah (to you, O Muhammad against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah) >> [Nasr:1]

Umar bin al-Khattab said to the Companions: ‘What do you say about this Ayaah?’

They replied: ‘Allaah ordered His Prophet that when the conquest of Makkah occurs then to seek forgiveness of Him.’

So Umar said to Ibn Abbas: ‘What do you say?’

He replied: ‘That was the lifespan/ approach of the death of the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- which Allaah informed him about.’

So Umar said: ‘I do not know of anything besides what you know.’

[Collected by Bukhari in Tafseer of Soorah Nasr]

This is a very precise and profound understanding, which not everyone can comprehend. Allaah -Subhanahu- did not connect seeking forgiveness to the Prophet’s actions, but rather He connected it to what Allaah -Subhanahu – caused to occur of the blessings for His Messenger of the conquest and the people entering into His Deen; which was not due to seeking forgiveness.

So Ibn Abbas knew that the reason for seeking forgiveness was something else, which was the approach of death, which is the completion of the blessing of Allaah upon His slave due to his success in sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness before Allaah. So, in order for a person to meet his Lord cleansed and pure from all sins, Allaah preceded seeking forgiveness with a cause for happiness and with His being pleased and satisfied with that person.

What also indicates this, is Allaah’s saying:

فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ 

<< So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His Forgiveness. >> at the end of Soorah Nasr. The Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- always used to glorify and praise Allaah, so he knew that the command found in that Ayaah was to glorify Allaah after the conquest and the people entering the Deen: since that matter  was more important than that what had preceded [i.e. the passing away of the Prophet was more important than the conquest] and this was as the prelude of his going to the Rafeeq al-‘Alaa (The Most High Companionship). Also, Uboodeeyah (servitude of worship) was due from him, by glorifying and seeking forgiveness which gave him high status in his eternal life.

So Allaah ordered the Prophet to carry out glorification and the seeking of forgiveness. What also indicates this, is that Allaah -Subhanahu- legislated repentance and seeking forgiveness when actions are completed. So Allaah legislated it at the completion of Hajj and Qiyyam al-Layl (the night prayer). The Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- used to seek forgiveness thrice when he said the Salam of the prayer.

Allaah legislated that a person performing Wudu say, after completing his Wudu:

‘O Allaah make me from those who repent and from those who are purified’

اللهم اجعلني من التوابين واجعلني من المتطهرين

(Allaahumma Ij’alnee min at-Tawabeen waj’alnee min al-Mutatahireen.)

Therefore, it is well-known that repentance is legislated after completing righteous actions. So Allaah commanded His Messenger to seek forgiveness at the completion and fulfilment of what was due from him of conveying the Message and Striving in Allaah’s path at the time when people entered into Allaah’s Deen in droves. Accordingly it is as though the conveyance of the message of worship had been completed and fully carried out, so Allaah commanded him to seek forgiveness at the end of it.’

[Taken from: ‘Ia’laam al-Muwaqqaeen  1/436]

[1] Shaykh ul Islaam Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah (d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- was one of the greatest scholars who walked the face of the earth, he was a protégé of the great Imam and Mujahid Shaykh ul Islaam bil Haqq Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah. He produced many, many amazing and unparalleled works. His most famous work is called ‘Zad al-Ma’ad’ a large book which he authored, from memory, whilst on a journey.