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The Humility of the caller to Allaah

The Humility of

a Caller to Allaah



Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albaani (d.1420 A.H.) said:

‘From the foundational manners which are obligatory for the Da’aee (a Muslim caller to Allaah) with which to be characterised is:

Humility and being far away from loving to be in the eyes of the people, boasting and making claims.

Since indeed these fatal tools clear the one seeking after fame and glory, and who has a great concern for fame from being qualified for Dawa and also deprives him of a sharp weapon for victory against the enemy of the Dawa and makes his actions as scattered floating particles of dust, and refuge is sought with Allaah.’

[At-Tawasul anwaahu wa Ahkamuhu p.90]

Arabic Reference 

قال المحدث الألباني :

من الأخلاق الأساسية التي يجب أن يتصف بها الداعية المسلم: التواضع والبعد عن حب الظهور والتفاخر والإدعاء فإن هذه أدوات قاتلة تجرد الساعي إليها والحريص عليها من أهلية الدعوة وتفقده سلاحاً ماضياً للنصر على أعدائها وتجعل عمله هباءً منثوراً والعياذ بالله.

 [التوسل أنواعه وأحكامه ص(90)