Benefits from the
Story of Yusuf
Alayhi as-Salam
Abbas Abu Yahya
Part 7 Chapter 5 The Excellence of having Eemaan
Chapter 5
The Excellence of having Eemaan, Certainty & Contentment with Allaah
1 – From the benefits:
The excellence of complete Eemaan, certainty and contentment with Allaah and remembering Him.
Since Yusuf -alayhi sallam- was characterized with these characteristics they caused him to have stability in all his affairs and the ability to fulfill what he would face in his present occupation.
He had stability while he was in different situations.
While travelling around, his heart was tranquil, he had a stable mindset, he had no unease even though he was far away from his father and his loved ones. Even though he had a severe longing, a great love between him and his parents, especially his father Yaqoob -alayhi sallam.
So, even though Yusuf knew where Yaqoob was and was capable of contacting him, the wisdom of Allaah necessitated that the meeting would not take place except in a state where the difficulties of this longing had become severe and its severity had become great. So Allaah helped him and aided him with an Angel sent by Him, and that is the most magnificent fruit of Eemaan.
2 – From its benefits:
That there is no problem in seeking aid with the creation in ordinary matters that the person has the ability to perform or say or inform of, just as Yusuf -alayhi sallam- said to the one from the two prisoners who he thought would be saved:
اذْكُرْنِي عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ
<<‘Mention me to your lord (i.e. your king, so as to get me out of the prison).’>>[1]
From the complete Ikhlaas sincerity of Yusuf -alayhi sallam- and from his complete manners was that he did not blame this person, whom he had entrusted to mention him to his master but had, subsequently, forgotten.
That same person came to Yusuf -alayhi sallam- asking about the King’s dream and Yusuf answered him but he did not reprimand the man nor was he harsh with him or deal with him with bad manners.
With good manners, a slave of Allaah achieves a good life sooner or later.
3 – From its benefits:
That if a person is faced with an accusation against him and he is free from it, then he is not at fault for seeking ways and means by which one achieves clarity and a general explanation for the people, just as Yusuf -alayhi sallam- did. Even though he spent a long time in prison, when the messenger came to tell him to present himself to the King, Yusuf said:
ارْجِعْ إِلَى رَبِّكَ فَاسْأَلْهُ مَا بَالُ النِّسْوَةِ اللَّاتِي قَطَّعْنَ أَيْدِيَهُنَّ إِنَّ رَبِّي بِكَيْدِهِنَّ عَلِيمٌ
<< ‘Return to your lord and ask him, ‘What happened to the women who cut their hands? Surely, my Lord (Allaah) is Well-Aware of their plot.’ >>[2]
This is so that his complete innocence, of which there is no doubt, would become clear to everyone. So, he would not come out of prison to face the King unless he was declared innocent, was respected, was of high status and that they held him as great for his knowledge, excellence and his honour -alayhi sallam.
[1] [Yusuf: 42]
[2] [Yusuf: 50]