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1 – Sleeping in a state of Purification (BiteSize Benefit)

1 – Sleeping in a state of Purification

From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – said:

 ” من بات طاهرا بات في شعاره ملك لا يستيقظ ساعة من الليل إلا قال الملك: اللهم اغفر لعبدك فلانا، فإنه بات طاهرا “.

‘Whoever sleeps while in a state of purification then an Angel spends the night in his garment, he does not wake up at any time during the night except that the Angel says: O Allaah forgive Your slave such and such since he went to sleep upon purification.’

[Collected by Abdullaah ibn al-Mubarak in ‘Hadeethihi’ & ‘Zuhd’, and Albaani declared it to have a Hasan Isnaad in Silsilah Saheehah no. 2539]

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

Miraath al-Anbiyya