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What is avoided in the Hajj is that which is avoided in Umrah

The Fiqh of Hajj

Taken from

Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah & Silsilah Ahadeeth Ad-Daeefah

of the
Muhaddith, Shaykh, Allamaa’
Muhammad Nasiruddeen al-Albaani

Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya


What is avoided in the Hajj is that which is avoided in Umrah

No.2765 – On the authority of Safwaan bin Umayyah who said: A man came to the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam: wearing a lot of coloured perfume on his clothing, he was wearing different pieces of clothing and he had already assumed Ihraam for Umrah. He said: ‘What do you order me to do, O Messenger of Allaah, in my Umrah?’

Then Allaah -Azza wa Jal- revealed: <<Complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allaah >>

So the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: ‘Where is the person who asked the question about Umrah?’

The man said: ‘Here I am.’

So the Messenger said: ‘Remove your clothing and take a bath, clean off the perfume as much as you can and whatever you used to do for your Hajj, then do that in your Umrah.’



Shaykh Albaani said:

Benefit: Ibn Hajr said in ‘al-Fath’ (3/394): Ibn al-Muneer said in ‘al-Hashiyah’: ‘What the Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said was: “Wassna’,” (i.e. the Arabic word for ‘do, make’) which means: ‘To leave something,’ because the clarification meant what a Muhrim keeps away from. So, the benefit taken from this explanation is that ‘leaving something is an action in itself.’

The Prohibition of the Woman in Ihram of tying a Niqaab but she can Cover her Face with a Scarf

No. 2930 – On the authority of ‘Uqbah bin ‘Aamr al-Juhanee who said: ‘My sister vowed that she would walk to the Ka’ba barefoot and unveiled. So the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- came to her and said: ‘What is wrong with this woman?’

They said: She vowed to walk to the Ka’ba barefoot and unveiled!

So he said: ‘Order her to take a ride, cover herself, perform the Hajj and slaughter an animal.’



Shaykh Albaani said:

‘In this hadeeth there are some important benefits, from them:

That the Ihram of the woman is for her face, so it is not permissible for her to cover her face with her Khimaar (scarf), rather she covers her head and chest. This is like the hadeeth: ‘A woman in Ihram does not wear a Niqaab (face veil), nor does she wear gloves.’

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

[Important note: Shaykh al-Albaani said in his book: ‘The Rites of Hajj and Umrah’ (p.12)

‘It is permissible for the woman to cover her face with something like a Khimaar or Jilbaab, which she throws over her head and it sits on her face. What is correct is that it can touch her face, but she cannot tie it to her face. This is similar to what Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimahullaah- said.]’

No. 2617 -The Messenger – sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said: ‘O Allaah this Hajj has no ostentation in it nor any hypocrisy.’