The Foolishness of the Khawarij
Abbas Abu Yahya
Abul-Abbas Muhammad bin Yaqub bin al-Assm said :
‘Two of the khawarij were making Tawaf around the Ka’ba and one of them said to his companion :
‘No one will enter Paradise from this creation except me and you!’
His companion said to him :
‘The span of Paradise will be like the span of the heavens and the earth, which has only
been built for me and you?!!’
He said : ‘Yes!’
So he replied : ‘Then it is only for you!’
And he left the opinion of the khawarij and became guided.
[Sharh Usul I’tiqad of al-Lalika’i 7/1307]

قال أبو العباس محمد بن يعقوب بن الأصمّ:
“طاف خارِجِيّان بالبيت، فقال أحدُهما لصاحبه:
لا يدخلُ الجنة من هذا الخلق غيري وغيرُك!،
فقال له صاحبُه: جنةٌ عرضُها كعرض السماء والأرض.. بُنِيَت لي ولك؟! قال: نعم!! فقال: هي لك، وترك منهج الخوارج واهتدى” .
• شرح أصول اعتقاد أهل السنة للاّلكائي