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Reading the Qur’aan at the Graveyard

Reading the Qur’aan at the Graveyard
                Abbas Abu Yahya

Shaykh Muhammad al Uthaymeen -Rahimahullaah- said:

‘As for the graveyards then they are not a place for reading of the Qur’aan, but rather they are a place for giving Salam upon the dead and making Dua for them, not a place for making Dua, nor to make Dua to them.

So the deceased are not to be made Dua to, nor to make (general) Dua at their graveside. But rather Dua is made for them for mercy and forgiveness because they are in dire need of Dua.’
[Fatawa Noor ala Darb tape no. 30 section of Aqeedah/Bida]

أما المقابر فليست محلاً لقراءة القرآن،وإنما هي محل للسلام على الموتى والدعاء لهم،لا الدعاء عندهم ولا دعائهم،فهم لا يدعون ولا يدعى عند قبورهم،وإنما يدعى لهم بالرحمة والمغفرة؛لأنهم مفتقرون لذلك

‏قال الشيخ العثيمين رحمه الله:

فتاوى نور على الدرب شريط رقم [30]
العقيدة/البدع والمحدثات