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Part I – Ahadeeth Pertaining to Eemaan, Tawheed, Deen and Qadr

Part I

Ahadeeth Pertaining to Eemaan, Tawheed, Deen and Qadr

Taken from

Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah


Shaykh Al-Albaani

Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya

66 – 1082 – From Abu Hurairah who said: A man found himself in need so he went out to the desert.  His wife said: O Allaah provide us with what we can make dough with, and with what we can make bread with. The man came back and the bowl was full of dough.  In the oven, there were many parts of a sheep being cooked, and there was a millstone grinding. He asked his wife: ‘Where is this from?’

She said: ‘From what Allaah has provided.’

The man began to clean what was around the millstone.

The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:

‘If he had left it, it would have continued turning or grinding until the day of Judgement.’


67- 1083 – From Ibn Umar from the MessengersallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam: ‘If you knew the degree of the mercy of Allaah – Azza wa Jal – you would have become complacent and would not do any good deeds.  If you knew the degree of His anger then nothing would benefit you.’

No. 2167

68- 1084 – The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:

‘If you had said: ‘Bismillaah’ (In the name of Allaah) the Angels would have flown with you while the people were watching you.’

The Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said that to Talha when his fingers were cut off, and he was calling out in pain.’

No. 2796

69- 1087 – From Abu Musa from the Messenger: ‘There is none more patient upon harm which one hears, than Allaah. The people claim that He has a son and they ascribe a partner unto Him, even though He pardons them and defends them, provides for them, and gives them.’

No. 2249

70- 1088 – From Imran bin Hussain: That he saw a man with a brass band around his upper arm. So he said to him: ‘What is this?’

He said: ‘It is something good for me, helps me  from weakness.’

Imran said to him: ‘If you had died while you were wearing it you would have been left to rely upon that. The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:

‘Whoever seeks omens or has an omen made for him, is not from us, or he looks to predict his fortune or has his fortune told for him, or does magic or has magic done for him.’

No. 2195

71 – 1090 – From Anas who said: They (the Companions) said:  O Messenger of Allaah! When we are with you, we are in a certain state and if we leave you we are in a different state.

The Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- asked: ‘How are you with your Lord?’ [and in Abu Ya’ala’s narration: ‘And your Prophet?’]

They said: ‘Allaah is our Lord.’ [and in Abu Ya’ala’s narration: ‘And you are our Prophet.’]

‘….. in secret and in the open.’

The Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: ‘That is not hypocrisy.’

No. 3020

72 – 1091 – From Abul-Darda who said: ‘The rain was withheld at the time of the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam so we asked him to seek water for us, so the Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- sought water.

The following day the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- came across a people who were talking saying: We were given water due to such and such star!

So the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: ‘There is no blessing upon a people that Allaah gives except that they disbelieve in it.’

No. 3039