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Part G Ahadeeth Pertaining to Transactions, Earnings & Zuhd

Part G                 

Ahadeeth Pertaining to Transactions, Earnings & Zuhd

Taken from

Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah


Shaykh Al-Albaani


Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya


55 – 1262 – Narrated from the Hadeeth of Ibn Mas’ood and Jabir:

‘Every favour that you do for a rich person or a poor person than that is Sadaqa (charity).’

No. 2040

56 – 1263 – From Abdullaah bin Umar who said: The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam took me by my shoulder, and said:

‘Be in this world as a stranger, or a traveller and count yourself amongst the people of the graves.  O Ibn Umar if you reach the evening, do not wait for the morning, and if you reach the morning do not wait for the evening take from when you are healthy for when you are sick, and take from your life for your death.’

No. 1157

57 – 1264 – From Abdullaah bin ‘Amr who said: The Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-said to a man: ‘O so and so how are you this morning?’

He said: ‘I praise Allaah to you O Messenger of Allaah!’

The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:

‘This is what I wanted from you.’

No. 2952

58 – 1265 – From Isma’eel bin Abdullaah who said: Anas bin Malik came to al-Waleed bin AbdulMalik, so al-Waleed asked him: ‘Did you hear the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam mention about the Final Hour?’

So he narrated that the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam said:

‘I have nothing to do with the Dunyaa and it has nothing to do with me, I have been sent along with the Final Hour racing against each other.’

No. 1275

59 – 1273 – From Ibn Abbas from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

‘Indeed one of you should be able to do without the people, even if it is by a twig of Miswak.’

No. 2198

60 –  From Buraidah al-Aslami from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

‘A ride and a servant are all that is indeed sufficient for one of you from the Dunyaa.’


61 – 1275 – From Abu Darda who said: The Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam was asked about the wealth of a Sultan (leader)?

So the Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallamsaid:

‘Whatever Allaah gives you from the wealth of a Sultan with out you having to beg or desiring it, then eat of it and accept it.’

No. 2209

62 – 1269 – From Abu Hurairah Radi Allaahu anhufrom the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

‘If I had the like of mount Uhud in gold, then it would please me that three nights do not pass me by and I have nothing left from it, except a little which I prepare to pay off debts.’

No. 1139