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Part 10 – Chapter 9 How was it unknown to Yaqoob –alayhi sallam of the place where Yusuf –alayhi sallam- remained?

فـوائـد مسـتـنبطة


قـصة يوسف

Benefits Derived from the Story of Yusuf

-sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-

By the

Shaykh ‘Allama

AbdurRahman bin Nasr as-Sa’adi

Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya


Chapter 9

How was it unknown to Yaqoob –alayhi sallam of the place where Yusuf –alayhi sallam- remained?


If it is said: how was the place where Yusuf was hidden from Yaqoob –alayhi sallam, since there was only a small distance between them, when, also it had been a long period of separation and he had a strong, great urge to see Yusuf, he knew that Yusuf –alayhi sallam- was alive, and he had a fervent desire to meet him.


The reply to this question is: this is not strange, due to the power of Allaah. Indeed, the means, even if they are very powerful cannot escape the Qada (the command) of Allaah and His Qadr (predestiny). Indeed, Allaah did not want them to meet except at the time He had appointed, and in the state Allaah wanted, since He had a great wisdom regarding this.


When Allaah wants something for a specific time, He decrees –tangible or intangibly- means or symbolic ways, which prevent achieving that matter before its specified time, just as Allaah decrees the means for what He wants to be achieved; so the means are in the Hand of The Almighty and All-Wise.


Therefore, circumstances of Yusuf –alayhi sallam- are not stranger than the story of Bani Isra’el when they were ordered to enter the holy land yet refused.[1] Even though they were a great Ummah and the place was a short distance away. They wandered between many villages and towns, for a time period of forty years. They were not guided to the path they intended, and it was not easy for them to find someone to direct them to their destination.


Likewise, the companions of the cave remained in their cave for three hundred and nine years even though they were in a cave near a great city, but no-one encountered them in this long period due to it being a matter that Allaah had wanted.


These matters and those similar to them are evidence of the perfect Power of Allaah and His Wisdom, as Yusuf –alayhi sallam- remained for a period – and Allaah knows best the time – while he was in the house of Azeez and a period while he was in prison, he was then promoted to administer the kingdom.


When did it ever occur to anyone that he would go from being a slave, to a prisoner to being a great king?


Then Allaah appointed a period during which it is presumed he became well-known by a title as a minister for the king, yet before that nearly no one even knew his name, as is the case with kings and their likes.  This is why when his brothers kept coming back to him, he recognized them but they did not recognize him, since he had the splendour of leadership.  Also, because they separated from him when he was young and they did not see him again until after he had grown up. It is known that the features of a person change when he reaches older age, and Allaah knows best.


This is looking at the issue from the perspective of Yaqoob and his sons. As for the perspective of Yusuf, then he knew [about returning to his family] and intended to delay it, so that the decreed period reached its end. This is why, even though his brothers kept coming back to him and he recognized them, he did not let them know who he was and he did not call for his parents and family except at the conclusion of the affair.


[1] The story is mentioned in Soorah Ma’idah: 20-26