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Part 1 -Placing the Hands Back on the Chest after the Rukoo’

A Detailed Research


Shaykh Muhadith

Muhammad Nasir- Deen Al-Albaani



Placing the Hands Back on the Chest after the Rukoo’



Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya



1 – A Summary of the Opinion of Shaykh al-Albaani regarding the issue of Placing the Hands Back on the Chest after the Rukoo’.

2 – From the ‘Original Sifat as-Salah’

3 – From ‘Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah’ – The Legislation of Placing your Hands on the Chest While Standing in the Prayer Before the Rukoo’ and Not in the Standing After it.

4 – Comments of Shaykh al-Albaani in ‘Saheeh Mawaarid ath-Thamaan’.

5 – The Comment of Shaykh al-Albaani in ‘Da’eef Jamia’ as-Sagheer’:

6 – From ‘Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah’ – Pointing with the Finger is Just in the Tashhaud Alone.

1 – A Summary of the Opinion of Shaykh al-Albaani regarding the issue of Placing the Hands Back on the Chest after the Rukoo’.


a) Shaykh al-Albaani said: ‘I do not doubt that placing the hands on the chest in this standing is an innovation and misguidance.  Since it has not been mentioned at all in any of the Ahadeeth of prayer – and there are so many of them! If this issue had a foundation, then it would have been transmitted/conveyed to us even if there was one chain for this action.  What strengthens this opinion, is that not one of the Salaf did this and it was not mentioned by any one of the Imams of hadeeth, as far as I know.’

b) Shaykh al-Albaani said: ‘As for the statement of Imam Ahmad, which indicates placing of the hands after the Rukoo’ as has been mentioned, is not established in the Sunnah according to Imam Ahmad himself, because indeed he himself chose (optional) between doing it and leaving it!’

c) Shaykh al-Albaani said: ‘I used to declare in a lot of my lectures and lessons the causes and reasoning regarding this clasping of the hands after Rukoo’ ; that a person is about to introduce a new Bida’ due to relying upon a general hadeeth not knowing that it is specific, and this Bida’ is none other than pointing with the finger in other than the sitting of Tashhaud!’

d) Shaykh al-Albaani said: ‘The readers should reflect upon how well Wa’il Radi Allaahu anhu narrates the description of how the Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- raised his hands in the opening Takbeer, then how he summarized his words regarding it when he performed the Rukoo’ and standing up from it by saying: ‘he raised his hands likewise’; so if, what some of the respected people ascribe to him, about placing the hands after rising from Rukoo’ was Saheeh then he would have said the likes of: ‘and he placed his right hand over his left hand likewise.’ Or something similar, since this is a time where that explanation would be given as is apparent, so reflect upon this justly.’


e) Shaykh al-Albaani said: ‘. . . .and that is why the Salaf did not act upon this.’