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Killing the Innocent in Palestine

Killing the Innocent in Palestine
By the
Muhaddith, Shaykh, Allamaa’
Muhammad Nasir uddeen al-Albaani

Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya

Questioner: Today in Palestine our people are in a situation of a continuous  struggle with the Jews. Is it permissible according to the Sharia’ if one   of us grabbed a Jew. . .  is it permissible to kill him?

The Shaykh: Is it permissible to do what. . . .!?

Questioner: Permissible to kill him.

The Shaykh: Okay, is it permissible to kill a Jew? kill him!? where? here or over             there?

Questioner: Over there.

The Shaykh: Over there, my brother do you not see that when a Jew is killed             then in return a great number of Muslims are killed, have you not             seen this!!? Those killed from the Muslims are so many more!!?

Question: From the Muslims?.  . . But these actions are essential so that we             put fear into their hearts and scare them.

The Shaykh: No!! it is not essential that it is like this.

Question: Then until when do we do this?

The Shaykh: It is not essential that it is done like this!  Saad wanted to water             the camels, while wearing a gown[1],  O Saad camels are not watered             like this! (Arabic proverb used when difficult tasks are done             inappropriately).
Imagine,  if your situation continues like this,  what will be the    result?
What will the Muslims be watching and witnessing!!? and the             Palestinians what will they be slaughtered for, what will be the   result?
A Jew is killed and in return tens of Palestinians are killed,  thousands             imprisoned, what will be the result?
Will this be a victory against the Jews?
This is not the way,  in reality the Muslims have now mistaken the             way of Jihad, Jihad begins with Jihad an-Nafs (Jihad of one’s own self)             like the Messenger -alayhi as-Salat wa Salam- said:

المجاهد من جاهد هواه لله

‘The Mujahid is the one who makes Jihad against his desires for the sake of Allaah.’[2]

I am not talking about the hadeeth which is famous on the tongues of             the people:

رجعنا من الجهاد الأصغر إلى الجهاد الأكبر

‘We have returned from the minor Jihad to the major Jihad.’

This is a weak hadeeth[3], however the authentic hadeeth dispenses             with the weak one which is the saying of the Messenger -alayhi as-Salat wa                     Salam:

المجاهد من جاهد نفسه لله

‘The Mujahid is the one who makes Jihad against his own-self and his    desires for the sake of Allaah.’

[From Silsilah Huda wa Noor Tape 317, see: ]

[1] He was not appropriately dressed.

[2] [Collected by Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban & Albaani declared its Isnad to be good in ‘Silsilah Saheehah’ No. 1496]



[3] Regarding the Weak Hadeeth

رجعنا من الجهاد الأصغر إلى الجهاد الأكبر

‘We have returned from the minor Jihad to the major Jihad.’

Summary of the Takhreej

A summary of what Shaykh Albaani said regarding the sourcing of this narration:

Hafidh al-Iraqi said in ‘Takhreej al-Ihyaa’ that it was collected by al-Bayhaqi in ‘Zuhd’ from the hadeeth of Jabir, and this Isnaad has a weakness.

Hafidh Ibn Hajr mentions in ‘Takhreej al-Kashaf’ that it has three weak narrators.

Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah said in ‘Majmoo’ al-Fatawa’: This narration has no origin [La Asl Lahu], and none from the people who are familiar with the sayings of the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallamand his actions narrate it.

Shaykh Albaani  in ‘Silsilah Da’eefah’ declared it Munkar.

[From Silsilah Ahadeeth Da’eefah No. 2460]

al-Bayhaqi collected it in Kitab az-Zuhd and regarded its Isnaad as Da’eef.

Shaykh AbdulAziz bin Baaz said regarding this narration: ‘however, the people of knowledge have clarified, like Ibn al-Qayyim -Rahimullaah- and other than him that this Hadeeth is weak and that it is not authentic.

[Majmoo’ al-Fatawa Bin Baaz 26/382]

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said when it was covered in ‘Sharh al-Mumtta’: ‘however it is a weak hadeeth, not authentic.’

In one of his Fatawa he said: Da’eef Jiddan or Mawdoo’.

[Majmoo’ Fatawa Ibn Uthaymeen 27/498]