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A Series of Lessons about the Sciences of the Noble Qur’aan & Tafseer

A Series of Lessons about the Sciences of the Noble Qur’aan & Tafseer

An eight part series delivered by Abbas Abu Yahya

These Telelinks were conducted between March and December 2017

Part 1 – Benefits of Studying the Qur’aan

Part 2 – Definition of Tafseer

From works of Imam Ibn Taymiyah & Shaykh Ubayd Al Jabiri from his explanation of Sahih al Bukhari’s chapter on Book of Tafseer

Part 3 – Tafseer of the Qur’aan by Qur’aan & Tafseer of Qur’aan by the Prophet

Part 4 – Summary of Last 3 Lessons and Tafseer of Qur’aan by the Companions
             includes examples from Abdullaah ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibn Mas’ood

radiallaahu anhuma

Part 5 – Continuation of Tafseer of Companions

          Example of Tafseer from ibn Abbas pertaining to the verse

… Whomsoever doesn’t judge by what Allah has revealed… 5:44

Part 6 – Tafseer of the Taabieen

Part 7 – Asbaab an-Nuzool (Reasons for Revelation)

Part 8 – Principles regarding Asbaab an-Nuzool (Reasons for Revelation)