A Million Dollars for Leaving Seeking Knowledge
Shaykh Muqbil al-Wada’aee -Rahimahullaah- said:
( لَوْ أُعطيتُ مليونا في كلِّ شهرٍ على أن أَتركَ طَلْبَ العلمِ مَا قبلتُ ، بَلْ لَوْ أُعطيتُ مَلَئ هذا المسجدَ ذَهبا لمّا قُبِلتُ ) .
‘Even if I was given a million [in currency] every month to leave off seeking knowledge I would not accept it. In fact if I was given this masjid full of gold I would not accept it.’
[Rihlat Daweeyah 128]