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A Collection of Some of the Principles of Bida’


A Collection of Some of the Principles of Bida’

From the Works of

The Muhaddith, Shaykh, Allamaa’

Muhammad Nasiruddeen al-Albaani


Translated by

Abbas Abu Yahya



# Principles of Bida’ 1

Adhering to general texts which have not been implemented\acted upon is not from the Fiqh of the Salaf.

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani said:

‘Adhering to general texts which have not been acted upon, is not from the Fiqh(understanding) of the Salaf. Indeed every Bida’ which some people regard as being good, is generally taken from a general evidence.’

[Taken from: ‘Riyadh Saliheen’ researched by Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani p.136 H#250]


# Principles of Bida’ 2

It is not a condition in order to reject every individual Bida’ that we need a narration conveyed with an authentic chain from one of the Salaf.

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani said during his refutation of Shaykh Al-Habshi, in his debate with him regarding the Bida’ of prayer beads:

‘. . . . . And is it a condition with the people of knowledge and intellect in rejecting every individual Bida’ that we should have a narration conveyed with an authentic chain from one of the Salaf rejecting every single Bida’? This is not something a person who has smelt the fragrance of knowledge says.’

[From: ‘ar-Radd ‘ala Taqeeb al-Hatheeth’ by Shaykh Albaani p.54]

# Principles of Bida’ 3

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani said:

Coming closer to Allaah Ta’ala cannot be done except with what Allaah has legislated.

From Anas bin Malik who said: I was sitting with Ubayy and Abu Talha, and we had just eaten meat and bread, then I called for water to make Wudu. Ubayy and Abu Talha said to me: ‘Why are you making Wudu?’

Anas said: ‘Because of this food we just ate.’

They said: ‘Do you make Wudu because of good things (food)?! One who was better than you(the Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-), did not make Wudu after eating.’

[Collected by Ahmad, & Albaani said its Isnad is Jayyid]

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani commented:

‘This Athar (narration) indicates that the Companions would reject coming closer to Allaah- Ta’ala- with an action which the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- did not legislate whether with statements or actions, as for Anas being concerned with making Wudu for eating meat, then perhaps the saying of the Messenger -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- reached him: ‘Make Wudu for that meat which has been cooked on fire’, and it did not reach him that it had been abrogated and Allaah knows best.’

[From: Mishkat 1\107 #329]




# Principles of Bida’ 4

The Mubtadi’ is he who Exaggerates Worship.

Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddeen Albaani said:

‘No one should presume that when we choose to limit ourselves to the Sunnah with regard to the amount of Rakat prayed during Taraweeh, and the impermissibility of increasing upon that, that we regard those from the preceding scholars and those who came after them as being misguided or that we see them as people of Bida’ because they don’t hold this opinion (of limiting to the Sunnah), as some of the people have presumed and believed that we see them as being misguided and they have then used that to justify attacking us!

This presumption of theirs, necessitates clarity, they assume that just because a matter is not allowed then it is automatically regarded as a Bida’, or that just because everyone who says it is permissible or recommended to pray more [in the Taraweeh prayer] that he is a misguided Mubtadi! We say no, never, this presumption is indeed false, and extreme ignorance. Because the Bida’ which a person is criticized for and the Ahadeeeth which are applied in curbing Bida’ are a result of the definition: ‘An invented way of religion which is similar to the Sharia’ but is not from it, intending to follow that way and exaggerating in the worship of Allaah -Subhanahu.’

Therefore, whoever innovates a Bida’ and intends by it exaggeration in worship, and he knows it is not from the Sharia’, then he is the type of person upon whom these Ahadeeth are applied. As for the one who falls into Bida’ unknowingly, and he did not intended exaggeration in worship, then those Ahadeeth do not include these people at all, and they do not concern them at all, rather they concern those Mubtada’ who stand in the way of disseminating the Sunnah, and regard all Bida’ as good, without knowledge or guidance, nor a clear Book, not even blindly following the people of knowledge and remembrance, rather they do this following desires and satisfying the common folk!’

[Taken from: ‘Salatul-Taraweeha’ p.35]