The Khawarij
Abbas Abu Yahya
Allamma Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen said:
[Speaking about the Khawarij,] What have these people produced? Have the Non-Muslims turned to Islaam or have they increased in their flight from it?
The Answer:
They have increased their flight from it, so much so that a Muslim is about to cover his face so that he is not ascribed to this dreadful and frightening sect. Islaam is free from these extremists. Even after the Jihad had been obligated in the beginning of Islaam the Companions never went to a non-Muslims society and began killing them except in a Jihad which has a banner from the leader who has the capability to perform Jihad. As for this then this is terrorism – and I swear by Allaah that this brings damage to the Muslims, because indeed we find that there are no results. Rather this brings the opposite which is that this disfigures/deforms the reputation. If we follow the path of wisdom and we feared Allaah about ourselves and firstly corrected ourselves then we tried to correct others according to the Sharia then this would bring good results.’
[Sharh Usool fee Tafseer by Ibn Uthaymeen p. 56-57]